- From: Peter Van der Beken <peterv@propagandism.org>
- Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 22:10:45 +0200
Couple of questions about http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#contenteditable: "User agents must allow users to move the caret to any position within an editing host, even into nested editable elements." Does "nested editable elements" include nested editing hosts? I'm assuming not, otherwise there's an inconsistency when starting the caret move from the inner editing host vs when starting the caret move from the outer editing host. "User agents must allow users to change the selection within an editing host, even into nested editable elements." Same question as above, does "nested editable elements" include nested editing hosts? Also, how does that interact with non-editable elements? Given the following: <div contenteditable="true"> abc <span contenteditable=false">def</span> <span contenteditable="true">ghi</span> </div> If the user starts selecting from before the a to after the i, is def selected? And if the user deletes the selection, does that remove the first span too? Peter
Received on Thursday, 13 July 2006 13:10:45 UTC