[whatwg] whatwg Digest, Vol 33, Issue 90

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:
> FROIDURE Nicolas wrote:
>>     - 2 attributes for <textarea> : max (like other fields) and type
>> (to specify a text mime type for the content edition bbcode, html,
>> xhtml, xbbcode etc...). It will be a good way to improve the quality
>> of the web by improving the quality of user interventions.
> Already done, see maxlength and type at:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/web-forms-2/#extensions1
> Although as I've pointed out before, MIME types are not a sufficiently
> specific tool: they don't differentiate between different versions of
> HTML, can't suggest microformats, can't differentiate between full
> documents and fragments, and so forth. Also BBCode, XBBCode, and the
> various Wiki dialects don't even have MIME type. (Mind you, WHATWG could
> actually submit some MIME type registrations to make type work a bit
> better for the real web.)  So this area still desperately needs more
> work.
Maybe that the DTD syntax could be use. The official DTD for W3C 
standards and a personal DTD for other languages. In all cases, i think 
that bbcode, wiki and other 'easy' web languages with disappear when 
browsers will include real WYSIWYG editors.
>>     - 1 attribute for <input> : autocomplete (it exists in XUL, a
>> value could be an URL to load when some contain is typed).
> Autocomplete already exists as an security attribute for banks to use
> and browser developers not to implement: 
> http://www.w3.org/TR/web-forms-2/#the-autocomplete
> (Well, it works in Safari and OmniWeb which can subvert nonce-based
> methods of preventing the autofilling of passwords.)
> However, the autocompletion functionality you're talking about is
> essentially provided by:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/web-forms-2/#the-datalist
> and
> http://www.w3.org/Submission/web-forms2/#fetching-data
Marvelous :-)
>>     - 1 attribute for code : type.
> Not done really. One option would be to add microformats to the Wiki for
> different languages, I suppose. If you were to do so, I suggest
> including version numbers. PHP4 should not necessarily be highlighted
> the same as PHP5. Otherwise one might as well use type and MIME types,
> just as for <script/>, although I suspect many languages lack MIME
> types.
Maybe a syntax like this could be used :
W3C official types list : PHP4 | PHP5 | JS | Java | (...) | _*
  The _ prefix should be used for personal (or non official) types. 
Maybe another attribute indicating the plugin needed could improve the 
functionality of this new feature.
>>     - maybe an attribute for em and strong. Something like "degree"
>> and a numeric value to notice the emphase degree of the sentences.
> Whenever this semantic problem is raised, two alternatives are proposed:
> either add an attribute to <em/> and <strong/> or specify the semantic
> meaning of nesting <em/> and <strong/>. Web Applications 1.0 currently
> goes for the second option:
It's strange. The em implementation in the CSS is approaching of the 
first option. I think a degree attribute could correspond to the 
font-weight graduation implemented with CSS.
> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-em
> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-strong
> Question for the editor: how many <em/> equal one <strong/>?
> --
> Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
By adding a smiley with Thunderbird, I'm wondering if any 
standardization currently exists.

Thanks for your answers, it was nice talking with you. By the way, do 
you know if the CSS will allow to include SVG images to an HTML document 
? Will the HTML5 stop the XHTML 2 progression (i prefer use XML...) ?

Best regards, Nicolas FROIDURE
BBComposer : XHTML, BBCode, Wiki and XBBCode WYSIWYG Editor for Firefox 
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