[whatwg] Provding Better Tools (was: Re: trailing slash and atheism)

On Dec 3, 2006, at 06:00, Mike Schinkel wrote:

> What about Perl, Ruby, Javascript, Cold Fusion, JSP (Java), ASP.NET
> (C#/VB.NET), and ASP (VBScript/ActiveX)?
> (Did I miss any of significance?)
> Those platforms collectively comprise a very significant component  
> of the
> web.

C, Java, Python, Perl, C# and Ruby attract developers who are capable  
of creating libraries. These languages already have library  
ecosystems in place. I believe that once the hard part (specifying  
the HTML5 parsing algorithm) is already done, implementations for  
something as interesting as HTML parsing will emerge without a  
central master plan.

Client-side JavaScript can use the browser parser implementation.  
Java implementations are likely to spill over to ColdFusion. C#  
implementations are likely to spill over to VB.NET.

I am not sure if I have understood the culture of VBScript right, but  
it may be a problem in terms of emergence of libraries without a  
master plan.

Henri Sivonen
hsivonen at iki.fi

Received on Sunday, 3 December 2006 02:20:07 UTC