[whatwg] Lists, <ins>/<del>, and <a>

Le 30 ao?t 2006 ? 2:49, dolphinling a ?crit :

> What's more, it's not backwards compatible. I would *love* it if it  
> were (especially because then fieldset could also go there, and  
> repetition template attributes wouldn't have to apply to all  
> elements), but current UAs turn <ul><ins><li>text</li></ins></ul>  
> into <ins></ins><ul><li>text</li></ul>.

Safari, Mozilla and Opera all seems to build the DOM tree as it  
should, wherever I try <ins>, <del>, or <a>, or even <fieldset>. Are  
you talking solely about Internet Explorer for Windows (which I  
haven't tested) ?

While it works fine with <ul> I note that it doesn't within <table>,  
showing the same behaviour as in your <ul> example above.

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.com

Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2006 07:20:38 UTC