[whatwg] Lists, <ins>/<del>, and <a>

Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:
> Lets forget about <ins> or <del> as anyway this is better
> <ol>
>   <li class="new" inversion="">Some list item</li>
>   <li class="removed" inversion="">Another list item</li>
> </ol>

I don't know what the inversion attribute is supposed to mean, but the 
class attribute is semantically meaningless.  However, we could 
introduce the edit and datetime attributes from the XHTML 2.0 draft's 
Edit Attributes Module [1].

Then we could just define that <ins> and <del> are semantically 
equivalent to <div edit="inserted"> and <div edit="deleted"> (or span, 
when used as inline elements), respectively.

That way, we could use this:

   <li edit="inserted">Some list item</li>
   <li edit="deleted">Another list item</li>
   <li edit="changed">Modified list item</li>
   <li edit="moved">Moved list item</li>

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml2/mod-edit.html

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2006 00:16:54 UTC