[whatwg] [html5] html:style parsing

On 10/30/05, Anne van Kesteren <fora at annevankesteren.nl> wrote:
>  <http://annevankesteren.nl/test/xml/xhtml/style-element/005>
> (Mozilla seems to treat elements and comments differently as shown in 001, 002,
> 003 and 004. Both testcases all show green in Opera and Mozilla.)

Is this not a bug? I can't see anywhere in any XHTML specification
that states that html:style children of html:style elements should be
treated as if they were stylesheets.

> That should probably be reflected in the description of the html:style element
> (that elements with known semantics are parsed).

"reflected in the description"  surely the bugs in the UA's should be
fixed, there's no-one relying on such documents, so it's not something
that needs codifying to make the web more consistent.



Received on Sunday, 30 October 2005 10:41:44 UTC