[whatwg] WF 2: "typo" in section 2.4 extensions to the input element

I have reported this "typo" before, but you missed it (many emails). It's  
the note paragraph which follows after the list of new input types.

How it is now:

Note: Four other new types, add, remove, move-up and move-down, have been  
introduced. They are defined are part of the <repeating form controls  

How it should be:

Note: Four other new types, add, remove, move-up and move-down, have been  
introduced. They are
part of <the repetition model for repeating form controls>.

It wouldn't look good to release the specification with typos.

[1] http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-forms/current-work/#extensions

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Received on Wednesday, 26 October 2005 03:03:56 UTC