[whatwg] Re: About XHTML 2.0

Ian Hickson schrieb:
> I read a lot of fiction books and when I come across a "* * *" it reads to 
> me like a paragraph, saying "Meanwhile, in a different part of the 
> universe:"; it doesn't read as "end section. new section:".

     <div class="pov Foo">...</div>
     <!-- 'plot', 'note', 'loc', 'place', 'time', 'story' ... -->
     <!-- former place of 'hr' in disguise -->
     <div class="pov Bar">...</div>
     <!-- former place of 'hr' in disguise -->
     <div class="pov Foo">...</div>

Works have either just one plot or more which are either parallel (like 
the example above) or nested (where the top-most doesn't need to be 
stuffed into a 'div'). Correct mark-up (in inadequate presentation) 
could destroy the reader's pleasure, though, when the author wants to 
keep the recipient in the dark about what point of view a certain part 
really belongs to.

> To put it another way, sections are things that you can put a title to. 

'div' is the proper HTML element type for subdivisions (of sections) 
that actually are not sections. (IMO sections always have a heading, 
'h'.) It, optionally, can be categorized with the 'class' attribute and 
be identified by an 'id' attribute.

> There's no title you can put to a group of paragraphs separated from other 
> groups of paragraphs in the same chapter of a work of fiction, in my 
> experience.

Anyhow you can still group paragraphs by wrapping them in a division 
instead of dividing them by a separator. The latter is IMO not a very 
markupish approach. MLs are usually about putting (informational) atoms 
into bags and these into larger ones, iterated until you reach the top 
one, the root.

Received on Sunday, 22 May 2005 15:59:16 UTC