[whatwg] A thought: <a href="..." method="post">

On Fri, 2005-05-13 at 16:47 +0300, Henri Sivonen wrote:
> Of the various server-side frameworks available Java servlets are among 
> the most cluefully designed when it comes to getting HTTP right. If a 
> developer calls doPost from doGet, there is nothing the framework 
> designer can do about it.

True. I am not bashing the Servlet API, I am just pointing out common
practise. The Struts framework, for example, is a very popular Java
framework built on the Servlet API but it calls the same processing
method for both GETs and POSTs. Very poor form.

Also, I think that because it uses same API to access parameters
specified by both GET and POST requests it tends to encourage this sort
of behaviour. But this is probably OT.

> I'm still -1 on changing the specs to accommodate people who have been 
> ignoring RFC 2616.


> Usually the people who 
> don't respect the idempotency of GETs also have crufty URLs with query 
> strings so that a robot can apply heuristics to avoid query strings.

Which of course might punish sites (or users of sites) that have valid
uses for query strings.


Michael Gratton, Software Architect.
Quuxo Software <http://web.quuxo.com/>
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Received on Friday, 13 May 2005 07:42:04 UTC