[whatwg] Re: [wf2] repetition model addition part

Quoting Ian Hickson <ian at hixie.ch>:
> Only if we continue to assume TFOOT must come before TBODY.

I believe browsers may render things incorrectly if this is not the case. As
TBODY and THEAD never have really been implemented in a way that would make
them useful...

> What would you want to change the spec to, if the current state is not
> good enough?

I would want to insert duplicates of the template directly in front of it
without mentioning the parent node as it is no longer required. However, you
told me there were some cases when you really need the parent element. 
(With an
exception for root elements somewhere.)

>> <http://whatwg.org/specs/web-forms/current-work/#suggestions>
>> I was basically talking about this example.
> Yes? What about it?

This clarified that it for me: "And one can always work around the problem by
putting repeat="0" on the elements one wants to have come first." Thanks for

Now I'm no longer sure why you can't insert directly before the 
template though.

Received on Tuesday, 19 July 2005 07:34:11 UTC