[whatwg] Status Update

On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 13:43:44 +0000 (UTC), Ian Hickson <ian at hixie.ch> wrote:
> If you've sent feedback on the Web Apps spec in the past few months,
> please do not think it has been ignored. I will be getting to it
> eventually. 

As you're months behind by your own admission, maybe it would be a
good idea if some of the other members of the working group started
actually responding to issues too.  Why do they not, why does the
WHAT-WG have a single point of failure, are the other members not
really interested in contributing to this work?

One of the big themes coming from the Web Applications workshop in San
Jose was that the W3 was a bad place to do this work due to the
incredible slowness and a small outside organisation could do it so
much faster, indeed the original discussion on this list was for
implementations to be in the wild for Christmas, we're still a long
way from even having a spec, let alone a call for implementations.

Maybe a little more speed from the WHAT WG members (not criticising
you individually Ian, you obviously spend an awful lot of time on
this) would mean we'd actually have something worth using.


Received on Friday, 18 February 2005 07:35:05 UTC