[whatwg] [WF3] <input type=selector>

Quoting Dean Edwards <dean at edwards.name>:
> In the repetition models I've implemented in the past (always tables) 
> I've provided a way to select a table row. This meant including 
> either a radio button or checkbox in the first column. When checked, 
> the entire row would be selected.
> <input type="selector">
> =======================

I think this name is very confusing. Personally I was thinking you were
suggesting a, when I read the subject, Selector (:last-child, etc.) control.
For input or so.

> I suggest introducing a new input type to facilitate the selection of 
> repetition blocks: <input type="selector">.
> This would render as either a radio button or checkbox depending on 
> an additional constraint on the repetition template.

This does not seem to be very backwards compatible.

Wouldn't it be better to have some kind of global "label" attribute or "for"
which you could then apply on the html:tr element for example.

> When the selector control is checked it results in the repetition 
> block being selected (the CSS3 ":selected" pseudo class would apply).
> repeat-selection="single|multiple"
> ==================================

If you just use radio and checkbox controls you would not need this.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Saturday, 10 December 2005 05:42:41 UTC