[whatwg] Web Applications and 3D

Sounds like scope creep to me, and outside the purview of WHAT.


At 01:00 PM 4/28/2005, Ian Hickson wrote:
>On Thu, 28 Apr 2005, Matthew Raymond wrote:
> >
> > I've been pondering how someone would have 3D graphics inside a Web
> > application using current web standards and some in development (XBL2,
> > HTML5, et cetera), and while I have a general idea, I'm not exactly sure
> > how it would work.
>The current idea is to do the same for '3d' as for '2d', probably using an
>OpenGL ES API subset, tweaked to be appropriate for use from JavaScript.
>Unfortunately I know very little about 3D graphics myself so someone else
>is going to have to actually define the API.
> > ...what happens when you want objects for your 3D world to exist in the
> > DOM? What happens when you want 3D effects that change when you use a
> > different stylesheet?
>What's the use case? The use cases that people have raised for 3D so far
>are primarily games (as in Quake-like things). In those, you don't really
>need to have a DOM representation, and stylesheets are unlikely to be used
>for styling them.
>Having said that, there are probably use cases for declarative 3D, just
>like there are with declarative 2D. And for those you would use a
>dedicated markup language, just like you use SVG for 2D graphics.
> > 1) A Web standards version of Microsoft's "Flipin' CD Button" example.
>The markup for that is easy:
>    <input type="button">
>...or some such. Making it actually look like something 3D would involve
>CSS, XBL, and either X3D or <canvas> (or some other 3D solution).
> > 2) An example of something similar to Quake done entirely as a web
> > application, with a HUD.
>That's pure <canvas>, with a 3D context for the 3D, and a 2D context for
>the HUD.
> > 3) An example of a simple 2D GUI with 3D effects as a web application.
>Not sure what you mean there.
>Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
>http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
>Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Brad Neuberg, bkn3 at columbia.edu
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Received on Thursday, 28 April 2005 15:03:14 UTC