[whatwg] text/html flavor conformance checkers and <foo />

Henri Sivonen wrote:
> What do you suggest the parser layer of an text/html conformance checker 
> say about
> <input checkbox ...>?
> 1. Silently treat as <input type="checkbox" ...>?
> 2. Treat as <input type="checkbox" ...> but warn?
> 3. Treat as <input checkbox="checkbox" ...> causing an error to be 
>    reported on a higher layer?
> 4. Treat as fatal error in the parser?

A combination of 3 and 4. As |checkbox="checkbox"| is not a valid 
attribute and not a valid attribute value of the invalid attribute as 
far as I know.

Or did you mean something else by 4? (It might be that we just agree...)

  Anne van Kesteren

Received on Tuesday, 26 April 2005 09:16:32 UTC