[whatwg] [html5] tags, elements and generated DOM

fantasai wrote:
>> Those who want to use entities for input, should parse and reserialize
>> as UTF-8 in their own lair and not expose their entity references (or
>> parochial legacy encodings) to the public network.
> I don't want to go digging through a Unicode character map every time
> I want → or τ.

There's no need to go digging through anything to find those characters, 
it's easy enough to type this into your browser:


Then copy and paste the character into your editor, or the character 
identifier if you want the numeric character reference.  Ideally a good 
editor would automatically convert entity references like → into 
the UTF-8 encoded character for you, but I don't know of any that do.

Lachlan Hunt
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Received on Saturday, 16 April 2005 19:27:59 UTC