- From: Anne van Kesteren <fora@annevankesteren.nl>
- Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 11:33:09 +0200
We probably know the from HTML 4.01[1] and I think that list should be extended by WHATWG for HTML 5.0. Besides extending the current list of values, WHATWG should define what kind of mechanism for extending the list of values should be used, more on that in a minute. I also think that we should change "user agents may provide access to linked documents through a navigation bar" to 'should', since they are only useful if UAs do something with it. Currently HTML 4.01[1] has defined a way of extending the link-types by using the PROFILE attribute on the HEAD element, this element points to a document which defines more link-type. In practice, this could be something as the XFN 1.1 meta data profile[2], developed by GMPG[3]. The problem is however that you don't know which link-type belongs to which profile. If you develop a new profile which extends or redefines a link-type, it becomes unclear which link-type should be used. Eric Scheid put up a (RFC) draft[4] regarding this issue, which is probably worth a look at when trying to solve this issue. I found a document[5] which lists commonly used link-types. I believe all of them should be included in the new specification. The specification should also mention when link-types are considered equivalent (and therefore must be implemented in the same way). For example: 'home', 'start' and 'top' or 'find' and 'search'. The specification should also mention that some link-types can occur multiple times. A typical thing could be to have multiple |rel="prev"| on your weblog. One points to the previous post in chronological order and one points to the previous post in the same category. (If they are the same, the UA should probably mention only 1.) The specification should also address how link-types interact with other attributes. For example |rel="alternate"| with HREFLANG. (Note that the HTML 4.01 specification is wrong saying that LANG should be used to point to a translation of the document.) If I missed something, please bring it up. [1]<http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/types.html#type-links> [2]<http://gmpg.org/xfn/11> [3]<http://gmpg.org/> [4]<http://protogenius.com/rel-schemas/draft-scheid-rel-schemas-00.htm> [5]<http://www.euronet.nl/~tekelenb/WWW/LINK/> -- Anne van Kesteren <http://annevankesteren.nl/>
Received on Sunday, 12 September 2004 02:33:09 UTC