[whatwg] I dont like "successful"

On Fri, 26 Nov 2004 23:41:05 +0100, Olav Junker Kj?r <olav at olav.dk> wrote:

> I don't like the property "successful", since it's likely to be  
> confusing for authors ("what is the difference between valid and  
> successful?")

I agree entirely with this assessment. I've wondered about the word and  
its use myself, and found it awkward every time I read it in the  

> Maybe the spec could instead use the term "validatable controls". The  
> validatable controls is TEXTAREA, SELECT and all INPUT-types except the  
> buttons and the image type.

That's a good suggestion, imho.

> I dont know if this is less confusing?

I think it is.

Asbj?rn Ulsberg     -=|=-    http://virtuelvis.com/quark/
?He's a loathsome offensive brute, yet I can't look away?

Received on Friday, 26 November 2004 16:52:47 UTC