[whatwg] Web Forms 2.0 comments

Our slider implementation (Safari) assumes a default precision of 
integer, and default min/max values of 0/100 respectively if omitted.  
I propose that these defaults be added to the specification so that 
it's clear what values should be used if the values are omitted.

I'm not sure if the spec covers it, but the slider also becomes a 
horizontal/vertical slider depending on the height/width specified in 
CSS (whichever specified value is larger determines the orientation of 
the slider, etc.).


On Jun 10, 2004, at 1:01 PM, fantasai wrote:

> Sander wrote:
>> I therefore propose extending the precision attribute as currently
>> specified by also allowing a numerical value, any numerical value,
>> which would act as a "step" between possible numerical values to be
>> selected by the element.
> I agree with this.
> > Sideways related to this extension to precision, I have started
> > questioning the "range" input type. How would this act (aka, display)
> > without "min" and "max" values?
> That's a good point.
> > The semantic value of this element seems dubious, with it seemingly
> > being included merely to force "display: slider" on an element
> The semantic difference between 'number' and 'range' is, as the spec 
> says,
> that 'range' "indicates that the exact value is not important". For a
> number, the exact value the user is entering must be displayed. For a
> range, a slider with a coarse number line is sufficient.
>> I propose dropping range and perhaps instead recommending that 
>> (lacking
>> styling hints to the contrary) user agents display all type="number"
>> input elements, with min and max values less than x steps apart, as
>> 'sliders'.
> A typical UI for a number is a "spinner" widget, not a slider.
> That's the one that has little up/down arrows alongside a short
> text input.
> http://www.osc.edu/~jbryan/FLU/images/Flu_Spinner_Try.gif
>> On which subject: Hixie, are you interested in editorial comments on 
>> the
>> Web Forms draft yet, or is it still too early for that?
> I've got a full printout marked up with them. How about waiting until
> I'm through before doing your pass? :)
> ~fantasai
> -- 
> http://fantasai.inkedblade.net/contact

Received on Thursday, 10 June 2004 13:47:05 UTC