[whatwg] some issues

On Mon, 5 Jul 2004, Matthew Raymond wrote:
> Good point. I would like to volunteer to make a new stylesheet for WHAT
> WG specifications.

If you can come up with a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally good stylesheet,
better than what we have now, then sure.

But I'm very picky! ;-)

> You have a slight point about extension versus modification. Perhaps
> WHAT WG should change its terminology, but not it's goals.

There are a number of things in HTML that Web Forms 2 modifies. That's
intentional. A number of them are things where the spec is so out of touch
with reality that there is no way anyone is going to implement what it
says anyway, so it might as well be changed. Some of the others are things
where what the spec says is bad for some reason, and since it hasn't yet
been widely implemented, it can be changed without affecting real content.

The same will happen in Web Apps 1, where the scope is even bigger. I also
imagine we will integrate some HTML4 Errata into WA1, since the HTML WG
has not published an errata update for so long. (For example, the default
value for the "media" attribute is "all", not "screen" as the spec claims.
How you're supposed to know this unless you are a W3C member is beyond me,
but this has been the case for a good three years now...)

> You may not wish to directly criticize the policy decisions of WHAT WG,
> then make editorial suggestions IN THE SAME MESSAGE. Annoying the very
> people you're asking to make corrections IMMEDIATELY before suggesting
> them is not wise.

For what it's worth, I really don't mind how the feedback is framed. I
take the content of each suggestion individually, ignoring the tone of the
message. You can all insult the editor as much as you like, so long as you
keep the good feedback coming. ;-)

Similarly, whether it is one e-mail or many, I still have to deal with
each e-mail, so I really don't mind how many issues are included per mail.
The only thing I would say is that if people want to discuss a particular
topic, it would be really useful if the subject line could be focussed on
the issue in question. It'll make finding related feedback a lot easier.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Wednesday, 7 July 2004 05:35:44 UTC