[whatwg] [web-apps] Some comments

As Anne has discovered, I just finished writing up the initial proposal 
for how to do menus in Web Apps. It's still very rough around the edges, 
but the three examples in the tutorial section should be interesting.


I'm now going switch back from "editor mode" to "comment processing mode" 
and resume going through all the comments that have been sent to the list.

On Wed, 4 Aug 2004, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> http://whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/
> 2.1. Tutorial
> The only problem I have with this is that mixing inline, A, and block 
> level, MENU, elements looks a bit wrong. I don't really have suggestions 
> yet on how to change this, but I think it is worth looking into.

I couldn't really find a better way to do it. I'm open to suggestions.

> Using the command element to define a command
> The attribute TYPE should be renamed. TYPE should only be used for media 
> types (MIME types), like |type="text/css"|.

<button> and <input> elements both have type="" attributes, seems like 
<command> is just the same kind of thing, no? Especially since <command>'s 
values are just a subset of <input>'s.

Why would "type" only be for MIME types, and why would this convention be 
stronger than the convention of consistency with <input> and <button>?

> 2.3.1. The menu element
> Why not use NL from XHTML 2.0? Because MENU existed in some older 
> version of HTML and NL doesn't work as expected (the same)?

Basically, yeah. Also, <menu> is a nicer tag name than <nl>, and this 
doesn't only have to be for navigation. And <menu> has the right rendering 
in legacy UAs.

> Displaying menu bars inline
> # xh|menubar > xh|a[href], xh|menubar > xh|li > xh|a[href] { ... }
> Why not use ':link' and ':visited'. It is longer, but probably more 
> appropriate. (In Mozilla and maybe other browsers things like 
> ':-moz-any-link' can be used.)

Because :link would also match, say, XLinks, and <area> elements, and 
other kinds of links, none of which are, in this context, supposed to 
look like the <a> elements in question.

I fixed your other comments. Thanks for your input!

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Wednesday, 4 August 2004 07:25:52 UTC