[whatwg] Re: credit card numbers

H?kon Wium Lie wrote:
> Also sprach Malcolm Rowe:
>  > > credit card numbers have their own type. Perhaps expire dates should
>  > > as well. This would help auto-fillout immensely and merchants would
>  > > rejoice.
>  > 
>  > <input type="month"> (previously known as type="expdate")?
>  > "This type is used most frequently for credit card expiry dates."
>  >  -- http://whatwg.org/specs/web-forms/current-work/#month 
>  > 
>  > Or am I missing something here? 
> "Month" is quite generic, and can be used for many purposes. "expdate"
> is more specific. If your UA knows the expdate of your credit card it
> can automatically fill inn the "expdate" control. However, filling in
> the expdate into "month" controls would be problematic since it's used
> for other purposes as well.

The type attribute is for giving the *type* of data, not for indicating
what it's used for. RFC3106 deals with auto-fillout.

   # Some names (all starting with the string "Ecom_") in this version of
   # HTML forms have predefined meanings, allowing UAs to fill in the form
   # fields automatically. These names, and their semantics, are described
   # in [RFC3106].

(We should probably get that expanded to handle WF2 controls, though.)



Received on Wednesday, 4 August 2004 06:50:08 UTC