Re: Does WebXR support for rendering webpages *plural*?

I found this discussion and it explained things It looks like I just
missed the call where this was brought up.
I think I agree with blairmacintyre's points. Any concerns about "a
terrible UX" or security issues are browser / OS concerns. The hardware
interface shouldn't be the roadblock that forces application exclusivity.

On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 11:39 AM, holykoolala <> wrote:

> Is the ability to load multiple webpages a part of the core design goals
> of WebXR?
> This could mean loading two AR pages at once, loading AR in VR, or even
> two VR pages.
> I've talked with the folks working on OpenXR and this isn't on their
> current agenda. However, the web is made for dynamic content like this.
> WebVR wasn't at all set up with this in mind. I've looked at the
> compositor for WebXR but it isn't clear to me the scope it is expected to
> be used in
> Is there are good place that talks about this?
> This is a picture of the sort of multi webpage systems I am talking about
> but made with the Window's compositor:
> --Brett

Received on Tuesday, 6 February 2018 05:52:36 UTC