Proposed WebVR Working Group charter

Hi all,

I have been aiming at having a WebVR Working Group up and running in
time for the group to have a first face-to-face meeting during the W3C
annual all-groups meeting known as TPAC: (this year, week of Nov 6 in
Burlingame, California)

Given the various reviews and approvals needed to get a Working Group
approved, we should aim at having a Working Group charter everyone can
live with ready by the end of this month.

Anssi and I (with input from a few others) have been trying to finalize
the draft charter I shared a couple of months ago:

If you see anything amiss in it, please file issues or pull requests at - preferably in the upcoming two
weeks. Note that in particular the charter assumes a starting point of
"WebVR 2.0" for the Working Group, as discussed in [1].

I'm happy to provide more details on any of this as needed.




Received on Thursday, 1 June 2017 07:07:05 UTC