Re: WebVR and DRM

On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 9:24 PM, Florian Bösch <> wrote:
> It's usually impossible for innovators to gain access to the content
> catalog. It requires an up-front investment of at least $200'000 to go
> trough the ratification process of your display technology (to ensure
> everything is properly obfuscated). You then have to prove catalog
> ingestion which is quite tricky as every one of the 4-5 sources uses a
> completely different catalog delivery semantics. Of course you'll also have
> to work out how to pay license fees for the content you'll want to display
> (and usually the small players get the worst deals on that). All in all
> it's very lovely indeed.

Oh and I forgot to add, you'll also need a Widevine license (whose cost is
not disclosed). There are "cloud encoders" that lets you encode a video for
like $2500 or so, very lovely that too. All in all a fabulous for pay

Received on Wednesday, 12 July 2017 19:30:29 UTC