W3C WebTransport TPAC meeting - today at 17:00 CEST , 11:00 EST, 08:00 PST, 01:00 AEST and 00:00 JST.

Just a reminder to all members that we will have our TPAC meeting today at 17:00 CEST , 11:00 EST, 08:00 PST, 01:00 AEST and 00:00 JST.  The link to the meeting, including the W3C managed Zoom link, is here: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/d1c140fe-e006-4388-bd31-adeb1de4d431/

The regularly scheduled bi-weekly meeting at 16:00 PST, 19:00 PST and 01:00 CEST (Wed) will not take place. We will resume our regular meeting cadence after TPAC on Sept 26th.

(For the co-chairs)

Received on Tuesday, 12 September 2023 08:49:27 UTC