Intro - Multi-device Timing CG

Hi Marisa

Chris Needham of the Media & Enternainment IG made me aware of the CG your
setting up.

This is a welcome initiative, and it is great to see more people expressing
the need for better sync support on the Web !

I'm the chair of Multi-device Timing CG [2], so I thought I'd say a few
words about that as it seems we have similar objectives. Basically, the
scope of the Multi-device Timing CG is a broad one; synchronization of
anything with anything on the Web, whether it is text synced with A/V
within a single document, or across multiple devices. We have also proposed
a full solution to this problem for standardization, with the timing object
[3] being the central concept. I did have a look at the requirements
document [4] you linked to, and it seems to me the timing object (and the
other tools we have made available [5]) should be a good basis for
addressing your challenges. For instance, a karaoke-style text presentation
synchronized with audio should be quite easy to put together using these

If you have some questions about the model we are proposing, and how it may
apply to your use cases, please send them our way :)

Best regards,

Ingar Arntzen


Received on Sunday, 11 March 2018 21:34:28 UTC