Update multi-device timing CG.

Hi WebTiming and Web&TV IG members.

I presented the Multi-device Timing Community Group and the timing object
programming model at MMSys 2016 in Klagenfurt, Austria a few weeks back.
The presentation had a special emphasis on sequencing, as that was the main
topic of the paper [1]. Anyways, the presentation went well, and I received
positive feedback and much interests, perhaps especially from younger
people. As a result from this we have more people taking a look at the
timingsrc code [2] as well as playing around with Shared Motions.

I've also made the mmsys slide set available in the page Materials [3] on
the community Website - if anyone wants to have a look at that.

Also, as we've made quite a few publications on timing related subjects
over the last years, I've collected all the links in the page Publications
[4] also on the community Website. If you want to have the full picture you
might want to have a look through these.

[2] http://webtiming.github.io/timingsrc/
[3] https://www.w3.org/community/webtiming/materials/
[4] https://www.w3.org/community/webtiming/publications/

Best regards,

Ingar Arntzen, chair Multi-device Timing CG

Received on Thursday, 26 May 2016 10:37:16 UTC