[timingobject] Pull Request: Added Sequencer section to to associate TextTrack and TimingObject

tidoust has just submitted a new pull request for 

== Added Sequencer section to to associate TextTrack and TimingObject 
This commit proposes a new TimingTextTrack interface that inherits 
TextTrack and can be associated with a TimingObject, thus enabling the
TimingObject to act as sequencer in a very similar way to how a media
element acts as sequencer for its list of text tracks.

Introducing mechanisms similar to the ones that exists for media 
required to pull a lot of definitions from HTML5. Some parts are 
but hopefully the parts that are specified give a good idea of the 
solution that is being proposed.

I added a warning in the Status of This Document about the fact that 
the spec
does not attempt to be complete at this stage.

See https://github.com/webtiming/timingobject/pull/9

Received on Wednesday, 22 July 2015 16:11:19 UTC