Re: [timingobject] Is the Interval interface needed?

Agree. The approach with timedtexttrack aligning with existing 
texttrack spec removes the motivation for this. Please remove it.

The reason I introduced this in the Sequencer implementation was to 
allow cues to be laid out back-to-back  (e.g.  cue1: [a,b], cue2: 
[b,c] and cover the entire "timeline" without introducing ambiguity 
concerning possible overlap at shared endpoints (i.e. point b) --- is 
both cue1 and cue2 valid in b or just one of them?  Avoiding this 
ambiguity by defining intervals like [a,b> and [b,c> makes it easier 
for the programmer and also allows him/her to exploit precedence rules
 regarding event ordering.

GitHub Notif of comment by ingararntzen

Received on Thursday, 20 August 2015 16:49:43 UTC