Timed data and multi-device playback [via Multi-device Timing Community Group]


Hi all, time for a new demonstration!

As we are working on the HTML5 Timing Object, it is nice to visualize how it can
be used.  In this demonstration, we show how we map data onto a timeline. This
is loaded into a "sequencer" (or MovingCursor) - basically a generalized track
element that can be controlled by an HTMLTimingObject.  We then play it back
using an HTMLTimingObject connected to a Shared Motion.  This of course
includes videos, operations, data and so on.  This is in contrast to the
"standard" way of hooking timed data onto a media element, then playing the
"master" track.

In this demo, we show how we create the small Motion Corp videos.  We do not
use standard linear video editing software (we find it less flexible), but stay
in the pure HTML5 world.  This allows us to stay away from "flattening" - the
process of merging "layers" of data into a single stream, and keep all data
elements open for the entire process.  The final, YouTube films are simple
screen captures of a separate browser window (we control it from a different
browser, possibly on a different machine too)


In case some of you are interested in experiencing such a tool first hand, we've
made it available online - note however that the Shared Motion powering it is
shared between everyone in the world - so if more than one person is active,
they will share the experience!  We did this to avoid logins or any other kind
of difficulty for people to play with it - if it becomes a problem let us know
and we'll make it private.

 Timeline/controls: http://mcorp.no/examples/film/
 Rendered output: http://mcorp.no/examples/film/vid.html


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'Timed data and multi-device playback'


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Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2015 18:46:25 UTC