Re: adaptability and single-sign-on (was: Re: Due June 11, 2020; planning June 18 project review - Fwd: Consultation: Choosing a front end framework)

> On 10 Jun 2020, at 20:05 , Samuel Weiler <> wrote:
> How well will each framework adapt to our authentication infrastructure and which might bring us closer to 1) having single-sign-on and 2) easily deploying new technologies?  For #2, I'm thinking of WebAuthn, but I imagine there will be more new techs in the future.  Eating our own dogfood is a thing.
> (I'm reminded of the stories I heard of how United Airlines and Continental picked between their two different backend systems when the airlines merged.  I heard that the difference that drove the choice was how much it had cost each airline to implement changes over the years.  The CO system was clearly easier to modify, and they picked it even though the UI was terrible and there was a rough learning curve for the UA staff.)
> -- Sam

Thanks, Sam!

I’ve passed this along and we will discuss it with Studio 24 later today at our internal project review.


Coralie Mercier  -  W3C Marketing & Communications - +337 810 795 22

Received on Thursday, 11 June 2020 07:24:42 UTC