- From: Ryoichi Kawada <ry-kawada@kddi.com>
- Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2016 11:08:30 +0900
- To: public-websignage@w3.org
- Message-ID: <56FB351E.6070306@kddi.com>
************************************************************* All attached files have been encrypted for security purposes. The password will be sent to you shortly in a separate email. KDDIメールシステムから添付ファイル暗号化のお知らせ 弊社では情報セキュリティを強化する為、メール添付ファイル自動 暗号化システムを導入しております。パスワードは別途、お知らせ 申し上げます。ご面倒をおかけいたしますが、ご理解賜りますよう お願いいたします。 KDDIグループ ************************************************************* Hi all, As I introduced at TPAC2016, we (Web platform performance benchmark Study Group) studied on performance requirements and tests for web-based signage terminals. https://www.w3.org/community/websignage/wiki/File:TPAC_perfBench.pdf The documents were in the status of "Release Candidate" at that time, and just two days ago Keio Research Institute at SFC publicly announced the official release of Version 1 of the documents. http://www.kri.sfc.keio.ac.jp/ja/press_file/20160328_awalab.pdf As the above is in Japanese, I have prepared an English translation of the requirements document, which is attached. Your comments are welcome. I hope this work help to promote HTML5 especially for enterprise use. Cheers, Roy -- ------------------------------------ Ryoichi "Roy" Kawada, Dr.Eng. W3C Fellow from KDDI Senior Researcher Keio Research Institute at SFC Phone: +81 3 3516 2504 Fax: +81 3 3516 0617 Mobile: +81 80 5943 9606 E-mail: kawada@sfc.keio.ac.jp roy.kawada@w3.org ry-kawada@kddi.com -------------------------------------
- application/x-zip-compressed attachment: kddi1118341.zip
Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2016 09:58:59 UTC