Re: Unifying scheduled and event-based content timing

Hi Gisung and all,

Thank you for your suggestion, Gisung.
As far as I understand, your suggestion is similar to R1.
If we want to achive event-based contents,
we can simply use JavaScript and CSS3 without XML-based solution like SMIL.
My understanding, the point of your suggestion is 
achiving event-based contents using a declarative approach, isn't it?

My interest is rather this phrase.

> e.g, the signage displays a poster image if no one stares it, and displays
> a video clip if anyone stares it or a user touches a video clip button.

This sinario (use case) can be put in "R6. Capturing an end-user".

How do you think, all.

Best regards,

On Fri, 26 Oct 2012 16:59:44 +0900
Gisung Kim <> wrote:

> Deal all,
> I'd like to suggest a requirement for web-based signage.
> While researching for 'context-aware interactive digital signage',
> I'm wondering how digital signage system can integrate a determinate
> scheduled playlist with dynamic contents which are triggered by external or
> internal events, such as user interaction or ambient information.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Use cases
> [Unifying scheduled and event-based content timing]
> Michael was assigned to arrange contents of an advertisement, consisting of
> video clips, a myriad of still images and messages.
> The advertiser wants to make the advertisement changeable and interactive
> so that the signage displays a proper content to its viewers.
> e.g, the signage displays a poster image if no one stares it, and displays
> a video clip if anyone stares it or a user touches a video clip button.
> Michael first scheduled determinate contents which are displayed in general
> without external events.
> He organized event-based contents and made scheduled and event-based
> contents to fit together, to prevent any timing conflicts between them.
> Motivation
> One of major merits of digital signage over traditional printed signage is
> reflecting user interaction. Digital signage can provide additional
> information in response to user input.
> If there is a scheduled content playlist which requires the signage to show
> scheduled contents on time, the dynamic contents triggered by user input
> should not bother the scheduled contents.
> Gap analysis
> In SMIL 3.0, there is a discussion of unifying event based and scheduled
> timing for multimedia presentation.
> To integrate interactive content into SMIL 3.0, SMIL 1.0 scheduler is
> extended to support indeterminate timing and event-activation. See SMIL3.0
> :
> The issue is a little bit associated to R14, a kind of scheduling issue,
> but it focuses on harmony of scheduled and event-based contents as one
> signage service.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I appreciate any comments or suggestions on the proposed issue.
> Thanks.
> Best regards,
> Gisung Kim
> -- 
> Gisung Kim, Research Engineer / Ph.D
> KAIST Institute for Information Technology Convergence
> 373-1 Kusong-dong, Yusong-gu
> Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea.
> Tel: +82-42-350-7137
> Mobile: +82-10-9253-3843

Newphoria Corporation
Chief Technology Officer
Futomi Hatano

Received on Friday, 26 October 2012 09:04:27 UTC