Re: Web-based Signage Scenarios and Use Cases

Dear Futomi-san:

What you put together feels like a big step in the right direction.

I don't know how things usually work at W3C, but when I worked with 
POPAI, we used collaborative editing tools like Huddle with version 
tracking feature. Since then there is a large number of free online 
tools including Google Docs that I feel can make our collaborative work 
easier. Then we may want to arrange a biweekly conference call (up to 1 
hour) so all those interested can get a quick overview of what has been 
added and have a quick discussion if there are any questions. Usually a 
call helps resolve issues much quicker than email does.

Just wanted to get a sense of what might work best for our purpose.

John C. Wang
IAdea: Digital Signage Media Appliances
Skype: jcwang_tw

On 7/1/2012 2:23 PM, Futomi Hatano wrote:
> Hi all,
> As I mentioned before [1], I've produced a document which introduces
> scenarios based on the outcome of the workshop.
> Though it's a work in progress, you can see what I (or we) want to make.
> I'd like to hear your opinions.
> More scenarios, use cases, more appropriate expressions,
> even editorial mistakes, I welcome any feedbacks.
> I'm not able to finish it myself.
> I hope anyone help me as a co-author of the document.
> The document is being hosted in my personal web site, temporarily.
> I am planning to move it in the W3C official site, when we finish it.
> Until then, I'll edit it reflecting our discussions.
> Anyway, let's get started on our activity!
> Best regards,
> Futomi
> [1]
> --
> Newphoria Corporation
> Chief Technology Officer
> Futomi Hatano
> --

Received on Sunday, 1 July 2012 12:46:34 UTC