Second Screen WG/CG TPAC 2022 - meeting minutes

Hi All,

Thanks all for your active participation, great presentations and discussions. And thanks Francois for scribing!

You’ll find the draft Second Screen WG/CG TPAC 2022 meeting minutes at:

I hope you all had an inspiring TPAC. As discussed today, our deliverables are making steady progress and blockers are being removed one by one. And there’s more exciting work ahead of us. To that end, we’ll organize another meeting likely early 2023 to continue our discussions. But now is a time to relax a bit — the TPAC week has been exciting but also exhausting. Stay healthy and have a safe trip back home!


-Anssi (Second Screen WG co-chair)

Received on Friday, 16 September 2022 21:13:30 UTC