Re: CfC: proposed Second Screen Working Group Charter 2022-2024, review by 19 Nov

Hi Second Screen WG,
FYI Second Screen CG,

Thanks for your review of the proposed Second Screen WG charter.

We've received a few questions and a non-blocking comment that I'd like to bring to the group's attention:

Fingerprinting mitigations for multi-screen window placement

Authorization missing?

No mandatory-to-implement codecs?

Please feel free to provide your comments in the respective issues.



On 12. Nov 2021, at 19.07, Kostiainen, Anssi <<>> wrote:

Hi Second Screen WG,
FYI Second Screen CG,

Per our TPAC discussion [1,2], we've prepared a proposed Second Screen Working Group Charter for 2022-2024:

Summary of proposed changes:

- Add Multi-Screen Window Placement API incubated in the Second Screen CG as a WG deliverable
- Clarify Background and Scope to align terminology with deliverables in scope
- Add CSS WG, update WHATWG in Coordination
- Remove Open Connectivity Forum from External Groups/Organizations
- Update Success Criteria, Participation, Communication etc. boilerplate to the latest version
- Various editorial changes, timeline and date updates

For detailed changes, refer to the diff [3].

Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns with this proposal by 19 Nov 2021.

Hearing no concerns, the proposed charter will start its journey through the Advisory Committee review.


-Anssi (Second Screen WG/CG co-chair)


Received on Monday, 22 November 2021 11:41:24 UTC