Berlin F2F draft minutes, resolutions & presentation slides

Hi All,

Please find the draft minutes from Second Screen WG/CG F2F below:

The F2F presentation slides are at:

We made significant progress at this F2F as witnessed by a number of resolutions documented in the minutes (a summary of resolutions at the bottom of the minutes).

These F2F resolutions are considered provisional until a 10-day review period has passed to allow participants who did not attend the F2F in-person to participate in decision-making on an equal footing. Please let me know by 7 June 2019 if you have concerns or comments regarding the F2F resolutions. Discussion in related issues and PRs can continue meanwhile.

Any corrections or amendments to the minutes in general are also welcome. (We'll make an archival copy of the presentation slides to and link from the minutes.)

Thank you to all participants for productive two days and big hand to our scribes Francois and Chris!


-Anssi (Second Screen WG/CG chair)

Received on Tuesday, 28 May 2019 10:44:09 UTC