Re: Second Screen WG/CG F2F - registration open

Hi All, Tomoyuki,

Tomoyuki - thanks for letting us know. We will do our best to provide a reasonable remote participation option to interested people.

All - please register as soon as you know you can attend to give the host adequate time to make appropriate reservations. If you plan to participate remotely, note that in the comments section of the registration form:

Related, I just dropped the "Please look for an official F2F announcement before making any travel plans." banner from the meeting wiki that I had accidentally left in to clarify the F2F has indeed been officially announced:

Any questions, please let me know.


-Anssi (Second Screen WG/CG Chair)

> On 6 Mar 2018, at 10.16, Tomoyuki SHIMIZU <> wrote:
> Hi Anssi and All,
> I regret that I will not be able to attend the meeting because I will have another business in PM on the first day.
> If available, I hope I could participate remotely in AM on the 1st day and AM/PM on the 2nd day.
> Best regards,
> Tomoyuki
> On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 9:26 PM Kostiainen, Anssi <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm happy to announce the Second Screen WG/CG will have its next F2F meeting on 17-18 May 2018 in Berlin.
> Please register by 20 April 2018 using the following form:
> Please refer to the F2F logistics page for more information:
> Big thanks to our meeting host Fraunhofer FOKUS.
> Thanks,
> -Anssi (Second Screen WG/CG Chair)

Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2018 08:30:08 UTC