RE: HbbTV 2.0 Specification Announcement

Hi Anssi, All

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kostiainen, Anssi []
> Sent: Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2015 13:17
> To: Bassbouss, Louay; Francois Daoust;
> Cc: Mark Scott; mark a. foltz;
> Subject: Re: HbbTV 2.0 Specification Announcement
> Hi All, Francois,
> > On 25 Feb 2015, at 13:42, Bassbouss, Louay
> <> wrote:
> [...]
> > I donĀ“t know why Launching Broadcast Independent Applications from
> Companion Screens using only the URL of the HTML document is no
> supported L.
> Louay - thanks for the clarification.
> Based on your explanation, it seems the HbbTV specification does not allow
> web content from an arbitrary URL to be presented on a second screen (or
> Companion Screen in HbbTV's parlance), and as such, does not motivate
> changes to the Presentation API.
One Option that come to mind is that a Browser  Vendor registers itself as organization 
and the Browser as Application on . In this case the orgId and appId will 
be constant for all Presentation API requests made by the Browser.  But this needs more 

> Louay - do you know if a future version of the HbbTV spec is planned, and
> whether it would be reasonable to expect such a feature to be in scope for
> the spec in the future?
HbbTV 2.0 was released in this month, HbbTV 1.5 in 2012 and HbbTV 1.0 in 2010.
Maybe next release will be in 2-3 years (this is my personal prediction based on 
the release history). I am not sure If this feature will  be in scope in future releases. 

> W3C has a formal liaison relationship with HbbTV [1], should the group prefer
> to convey feedback to HbbTV formally. Francois can probably briefly outline
> the process.
> Thanks,
> -Anssi (WG chair)
> [1]


Received on Wednesday, 25 February 2015 13:30:52 UTC