Re: Adding an asynchronous getter (Promise) for screen availability status (issue #11)

Hi Anton,

On Fri, 2014-09-05 at 12:37 +0100, Anton Vayvod wrote:
> We all agreed that the |onavaiablechange| event handler is the only
> way to handle the fact that the device availability changes over time
> otherwise we'd use a Promise for one time check. So we should assume
> the page will add a handler to the |onavailablechange| as soon as it
> wants to present something. We want, however, to avoid firing the
> event immediately with e.available = true in case the UA already
> discovered some devices. AFAIK, just because it's inconsistent with
> all other event handlers.
> How would you see an async getter work along with the event handler?
> Would the page get both the event from the event handler and an async
> callback from the getter if the UA only started the discovery when the
> event handler was added? I don't think we want to pass the same result
> to the page twice.

Agree with the summary - and not an easy question - I don't have an
immediate answer, I think I need to research whether we can find a
previously used paradigm from other Web APIs for this. 

Regarding your suggestion to have a cached "available" flag alongside -
that would indeed be potentially confusing. If possible, let's try to
avoid redundancy.


Received on Friday, 5 September 2014 14:12:28 UTC