FAMIUM Implementation of the Presentation API as Cordova Plugin for Andoid and iOS

Dear Group Members,

Fraunhofer FOKUS published recently an open source Implementation of the Presentation API as Cordova Plugin. The Source Code of the Plugin is available on GitHub<http://fraunhoferfokus.github.io/cordova-plugin-presentation/> [1]. A simple Cordova Demo App is also available on GitHub<http://fraunhoferfokus.github.io/cordova-plugin-presentation-helloapp/> [2 ]. We refer in our Implementation to the Spec in the final report of the CG [3]. We support currently Android (using Android Presentation) and iOS (Airplay). Feedbacks, comments are welcome.

PS: I am currently at TPAC, I presented yesterday the current status of the Presentation API in the Web&TV Session and I got positive feedbacks. It seems there is a lot of interest to adapt the API to other domains not only for Web&TV but also WoT (Web Of Things -> Tomorrow is a breakout session about this [4]).

Many Thanks to Francois for support :)

[1] http://fraunhoferfokus.github.io/cordova-plugin-presentation
[2] http://fraunhoferfokus.github.io/cordova-plugin-presentation-helloapp/
[3] http://www.w3.org/2014/secondscreen/presentation-api/20140721/
[4] https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2014/SessionIdeas#startSession.28.22WoT_devices.22.29


Received on Tuesday, 28 October 2014 19:14:16 UTC