Re: Allow page to designate itself as presentation session

Hi Louay, All,

> On 21 Nov 2014, at 13:54, Bassbouss, Louay <> wrote:


>> So, the scenario you’re describing could be implemented as follows: One
>> local player is responsible for pushing the poker table to the big screen. Once
>> that player leaves the game and disconnects from the display, the
>> presentation session id is transferred to another remaining player via the
>> game server who then resumes the presentation session.
> Thx for feedback. I was thinking about using Presentation API for realizing offline multi-user applications (most relevant examples are Multiplayer games)  without the need to write code for the server side (only for serving the html files). It will make the development of these kind of applications much easier. What do you think about this flow to implementing the Poker example using presentation API?

Louay - I think the offline use case -- while very interesting -- may not be of the highest priority for the group considering the scope we agreed on at chartering time.

To that end, and based on what Dominik described above, it seems we may want revisit issue #27 [1] once we've first ironed out the aspects of the API that address the most common use cases for which we have an agreement on. Also, it would be helpful to experiment in code first with this particular use case.

Louay - does that sounds reasonable?

All - please let us know if you have any concerns.




Received on Friday, 21 November 2014 12:13:15 UTC