Re: Draft of Second Screen Presentation Working Group Charter available (was: Heads-Up: Plan for Working Group on Second Screen Presentation)

On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 1:58 AM, Kostiainen, Anssi <> wrote:

> On 21 May 2014, at 22:14, Mark Scott <> wrote:
> > An option proposed in MarkF's E-mail was to support an alternative URL
> scheme (e.g. "dial://youtube/...").  This requires less mapping logic to be
> built into the UA, and seems worth considering.  I don't think we assumed
> that the Presentation API would define or mandate support for any
> particular scheme, just that it doesn't prevent UAs from implementing such
> schemes.
> My worry is, if we allow arbitrary schemes, interop testing becomes
> impossible. That’s a mandatory step in the standardization process (see
> “Test suite”):
> Examples of features that have bad interop record include <object>,
> <embed>, <applet>, and friends. Try pages with such content on your mobile
> device of choice, and generally you’ll feel sad.

Anssi, can you clarify what interoperability means in the context of this
charter (and is there a W3C standard for it)?

I believe this would benefit from some clarification in the charter.  Here
are some possible interpretations for two theoretical browsers UA1 and UA2
that I came up with.

1. UA1 and UA2 are able to render and control a reference set of
presentations on some screen using any technology of its choice.  Only the
behavior of the API matters (as long as it sends the right events/messages
it conforms).
2. UA1 is able to render a presentation on UA2 and control it, and vice
3. If UA1 and UA2 implement the same technology (e.g., Airplay) , they must
conform to the spec for that mechanism and interoperate with screens that
support that technology.
4. UA1 and UA2 must be tested to interoperate via Presentation API with a
reference set of non-browser-based devices independent of the underlying
technology (e.g., API-level conformance).

None of the senses of "interoperability" listed above seems to exclude the
use case described in this thread, especially if we incorporate a test
suite for DIAL (under #3/#4).


> Thanks,
> -Anssi

Received on Thursday, 29 May 2014 01:02:34 UTC