Re: requestShowMedia.js - A Presentation API prollyfill for the HTMLMediaElement

Hi Anssi,

Great demo! One question, see inline.

On 2014-06-17 15:48, Kostiainen, Anssi wrote:
> Hi All,
> In the spirit of experimentation I wrote a Presentation API prollyfill (= a polyfill for a not yet standardized API) for the HTMLMediaElement to get a feel of the API ergonomics.
> The demo is at (tested with the latest desktop Chrome, Firefox, Safari):
> The video files used in the demo are hosted on GitHub pages too, so don’t expect blazingly fast download speeds. If the demo misbehaves, try a more modern browser :-)
> For more information, please consult the GitHub repo at:
> Here’s what this is about:
> Using the requestShowMedia.js prollyfill you can display any <video> contained on a web page on a second screen and control its playback using the standard HTMLMediaElement methods play(), pause(), and fastSeek(time).
> The demo works in modern browsers by emulating a second screen using a new window. If an experimental Chromium build is used (see the demo page or the GH repo for details on how to get one) the video is displayed on a real second screen.
> In terms of code, this is how a web developer might use the API:
> <script>
> var v = document.querySelector('video');
> // Display the video on a second screen.
> v.requestShow();
> // Use the standard HTMLMediaElement methods to control the playback.
> v.pause();
> v.fastSeek(time);
> </script>

With that proposal, adding support for second screen video playback is 
really just a matter of adding a UI "project" button and binding it to a 
call to "requestShow". That's 3 additional lines of code without having 
to touch the rest. Nice!

In the demo code [1], is there a reason for "requestShow" to return a 
pointer to the second screen (or a Promise to get that second screen)? 
The only need seems to be to close the show, but that could e.g. be 
handled with a call to an hypothetical "v.exitShow" function, which 
would avoid introducing another construct, and be somewhat consistent 
with the approach taken by the FullScreen API.



Received on Monday, 30 June 2014 10:31:00 UTC