Re: Requesting display of non HTML content (was: Draft of Second Screen Presentation Working Group Charter available)

Hi Louay, All,

On 16 Jun 2014, at 14:59, Bassbouss, Louay <> wrote:

>> From: Rottsches, Dominik []
>> Sent: Montag, 16. Juni 2014 13:43
>>>> We could have a companion project for a helper library  like
>>>> media-presentation.js that provides a JS function like
>>>> requestShowMedia("")
>>>> [...]
>>> Do you mean the helper js library implements
>> requestShowMedia("") using something
>> like this requestShow("") where
>> wrapper.html contains the HTML from above and offer video control over
>> webscreen messaging postMessage() and onMessage()?
>> Yes, that's what I was trying to suggest.
>>>> I agree with Louay that the idea is desirable, and with Anssi that
>>>> this would improve API ergonomics. But I think it has  better place
>>>> in a library which can evolve faster and more flexibly than a specification.
>>>> I think we reach our goals quicker if we only provide primitives and
>>>> let library developers build on top.
>>>> If we see certain prominent usage patterns emerge from this example
>>>> or similar libraries, we can move them to the native side step by step.


> Agree to start with simple primitives first.

I also support this approach. It is aligned with the Extensible Web design principles [1], and also my recent findings from the requestShowMedia.js experiment [2,3] provide further supporting data points.

To recap, once we spec the simple primitives and browsers implement them (often, the smaller the feature, the faster the adoption) we can, together with the wider web developer community, build JavaScript libraries on top to experiment and iterate on new ideas pre-standardization, and bring the best of these ideas to the standards track.

For example, the requestShowMedia.js is an experimental implementation of the ideas discussed at [4].




Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2014 06:56:15 UTC