Re: Presentation API changes proposal

----- Original Message -----

> > > One possibility is to add another event "onconnected" or similar to the
> > 
> > > navigator.presentation object and deliver a MessagePort there? This
> > 
> > > event would fire only on pages that are opened as "receiver
> > 
> > > applications" in Chromecast terms. And this page's onunload would
> > 
> > > correspond to the PresentationWindow's onclose for example.
> > 

> Sounds good. In case of different UAs though, the receiving end might be
> implemented differently. Chromecast, for example, provides its receiver SDK
> to use by the receiver applications. The UA hosting the controller would
> transform MessagePort events into Chromecast events and send it towards the
> device that would forward it to the player in some form.

I might be misunderstanding, but this sounds like the UA would need to be aware of the messaging protocol format of any device (Chromecast in this case) and provide transformations. Is the messaging protocol in question the RemoteMedia system used by Chromecast? Isn't it possible for Chromecast "applications" to create custom protocols too? I'm thinking about the TicTacToe sample app. 

Received on Friday, 10 January 2014 16:38:13 UTC