Elad Alon via GitHub
- [mediacapture-surface-control] Pull Request: Editorial: Fix security questionnaire
- [mediacapture-surface-control] Pull Request: Editorial: Align explainer with recent changes to spec
- [mediacapture-handle] Pull Request: Add support for window-capture
- [mediacapture-handle] Pull Request: Editorial: Run formatter on identity/index.html
- [mediacapture-handle] Pull Request: Editorial: Fix pr-preview
- [mediacapture-handle] Pull Request: Editorial: Run auto-formatter
Guido Urdaneta
- Re: Request for Agenda Items: WEBRTC WG March 18 meeting
- Request for Agenda Items: WEBRTC WG March 18 meeting
henbos via GitHub
Henrik Boström
Philipp Hancke via GitHub
- [webrtc-stats] which qp range is used for AV1? (#799)
- [webrtc-stats] Pull Request: fix typo: simulast