Implementations of WebRTC amendments


Based on the test data collected on amendments made to the WebRTC spec, 
I've been able to compile a semi-automated implementation report of 
these amendments:

We have 8 changes that have no documented test cases so far:

Among those tested, 2 have no implementation
* Remove duplicate rids in proposedSendEncodings. 2800
* Ignore comma-separated rid alternatives. 2813

11 have a single implementation:
* Forbid ICE gathering and connectivity checks on administrative 
prohibited candidates 2708 (only FF - but partial impl in Cr/Safari) - 
see also
* Remove interaction between and simulcast ~rid 2754 
(only FF)
* Mark RTP Pause/Resume as not supported 2755 (only FF)
* Add RTCIceCandidate.relayProtocol 2763 and RTCIceCandidate.url 2773 
(only Cr)
* Default RTCRtpEncodingParameters.scaleResolutionDownBy to 1 for video 
Remove RTCRtpEncodingParameters.scaleResolutionDownBy for audio 2772 
(only FF)
* TypeError unless all or none of encodings have rids 2774 (only FF)
* TypeError on duplicate rids 2775 (only FF)
* Rollback restores ridless encoding trounced by sRD(simulcastOffer). 
2797 (only FF)
* Align MTI stats with implementations: resonsesReceived 2832 (only Cr)
* Prevent GC of non-closed RTCDataChannels 2902 (only Cr - unclear for 
Safari due to test error)

The 28 remaining ones have already at least two implementations.

This means we could bring these 28 ones to the "Proposed Amendment 
status" and start their last call for review: which 
would ultimately lead to their proper integration in the main Rec.

If we can express rapid progress on (some of) the 21 others, it may be 
worth waiting for that to happen though.


Received on Friday, 29 March 2024 09:27:30 UTC