WEBRTC WG Meetings in December

Since we had quit a bit more material for the November Virtual Interim than we could get to, the WEBRTC WG will be meeting twice during December:

December 5, 2023: December 05 2023 - Web Real-Time Communications Working Group Wiki (w3.org)<https://www.w3.org/2011/04/webrtc/wiki/December_05_2023>

December 12, 2023: December 12 2023 - Web Real-Time Communications Working Group Wiki (w3.org)<https://www.w3.org/2011/04/webrtc/wiki/December_12_2023>

Information on the conference parameters will be available in the Calendar notice you will receive.

This is a call for agenda items at those meetings.  If you'd like to get on the agenda, please contact the Chairs.

Received on Wednesday, 22 November 2023 16:37:27 UTC