Fwd: Notes for W3C WebRTC WG virtual Interim feb 2022

WebRTC WG 15th Feb :


WebRTC-SVC Bernard:

Slide 11 - API to Iterate over the capabilities of the encoder. 
(Q - which camera?) 
Slide 13 - Does the framerates/sizes matter ? Does Profile matter?
Aim is to get a list of modes that will work with setParams or in addTransceiver

Slide 14 - 
Some difference between webRTC and webcodecs in what is supported in H264 and VP9 
Webcodecs seems to support things that webcodecs don’t. (Also in AV1)
Florent Castelli: Chrome isn’t a good implementation reference.

Agreed: this API should return things that are usable by webRTC.
Assume support is independent of width height bitrate framerate - but smooth/efficent may depend on these parameters. 

Discussion of how profile-level-id etc are passed - currently uses sdp attributes.

L1T1 - is intended to be supported but isn’t yet.

Slide 20 - 
setParameters Promise doesn’t reject invalid scalability modes, it blithely sets it and getParameters returns it. 

Sergio: proposal that rejection is only for invalid format rather than support for this/any codec. 
Jan-Ivar: proposes using the same Error in both. 
Agreed : PR will include this proposal but can be reviewed then.

Slide 21 - Issue 58
Florent: Default for VP9 isn’t what you might expect - chromium currently returns the fastest.
Serigio+Tim: not clear how useful this is.

Agreed: PR will include this proposal but can be reviewed then.

Slide 23 - Issue 59
Agreed: PR will include this proposal but can be reviewed then.
Slide - 25
Please review Issue 59


Elad -  Multi-Capture

Slide - 28 

Usecases for multiple captures.

Slide - 29

User may not remember which ones they have already selected. 

Slide - 30 
Jan-Ivar: Doubts demand for use case.
Tim: doesn’t see need in his usage, but does see need for visual indication of already captured streams.
Jan-Ivar: Proposes bundling of promises and using this as a way to cause a new prompt type.

Slide - 31
Can a user mix multiple types of capture- window/tab/screen in one capture?
Sergio: asks for stats on usage of multiple captures. 

Agreed: Elad will return with support for better described use cases. Jan-Ivar will post an item which indicates if permission prompt bundling could address this issue ?

Rijubrata Bhaumik requests people review and discuss this: 
https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-extensions/pull/48#issuecomment-1030710611 <https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-extensions/pull/48#issuecomment-1030710611>

Received on Monday, 21 February 2022 09:46:15 UTC